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Authors: Glenna F. Nightingale, Janine Bärbel Illian, Ruth King
Title: [download]
Pairwise Interaction Point Processes for Modelling Bivariate Spatial Point Patterns in the Presence of Interaction Uncertainty
Reference: Vol. 7, Issue 3, Sep 2015
Submitted 2015-01-25, Accepted 2015-09-01
Type: Article

Current ecological research seeks to understand the mechanisms that sustain biodiver- sity and allow a large number of species to coexist. Coexistence concerns inter-individual interactions. Consequently, there is an interest in identifying and quantifying interactions within and between species as reflected in the spatial pattern formed by the individuals. This study analyses the spatial pattern formed by the locations of plants in a commu- nity with high biodiversity from Western Australia. We fit a pairwise interaction Gibbs marked point process to the data using a Bayesian approach and quantify the inhibitory interactions within and between the two species. We quantitatively discriminate between competing models corresponding to different inter-specific and intraspecific interactions via posterior model probabilities. The analysis provides evidence that the intraspecific interactions for the two species of the genus Banksia are generally similar to those between the two species providing some evidence for mechanisms that sustain biodiversity.

Paper: [download]
Pairwise Interaction Point Processes for Modelling Bivariate Spatial Point Patterns in the Presence of Interaction Uncertainty
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Paper: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Code: Commons GNU General Public License License
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