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Authors: Joshni George, Seemon Thomas
Title: [download]
Modeling of Dengue Fever Death Counts Using Hidden Markov Model
Reference: Vol. 8, Issue 9, Sep 2018
Submitted 2018-04-18, Accepted 2018-09-07
Type: Article

We explore the use of Poisson-hidden Markov model to describe an overdispersed data on monthly death counts due to Dengue fever. Independent Poisson mixture models of various components and stationary Poisson hidden Markov models of different states are fitted and the performance of each model is judged using model selection criteria. The sequence of hidden states are estimated based on the best fitted model. The method can be applied in identifying environmental factors affecting a stochastic process.

Paper: [download]
Modeling of Dengue Fever Death Counts Using Hidden Markov Model
(application/pdf, 383.5 KB)
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Paper: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Code: Commons GNU General Public License License
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